url was:"https://www.dropbox.com/sh/53mwi5nhllsc952/AAB1gs_j44WkvkCSEsDRRn7Wa"
linktext was:"antiX-14-a3.1 dropbox folder"
FIX-1: initrd-2014-10-28a.gz had no modules. Replaced with initrd.gz which does contain modules.
This is designed for testing on LiveUSBs that use an ext2/3/4 filesystem. There will be problems with the xtra tarball on LiveUSBs that use fat32. I could provide a workaround.
I'm not interested in tests on the 32-bit version. I am mostly interested in how loading the video drivers earlier
works, the earlier running live init.d scripts and any outstanding/new problems with persistence.
I hope this fixes all reported issues with persistence.
Here is the contents of the README:
Code: Select all
The xdelta3 patch is designed to modify antiX-14-a3-RV_x64-full.iso
The other files work with any 64-bit version of antiX-14-alpha-3.
The were tested with the full RV (sysVinit) version. They should
work with the systemd versions but the Live shutdown is not perfect.
It relies on the systemd shutdown so there is no pause for you to
eject the LiveCD and their will probably be umount problems on
LiveUSB/Frugal on ntfs filesystems.
To create an iso file (suitable for booting in Virtual Box):
xdelta3 -d -s /antiX-14-a3-RV_x64-full.iso antiX-14-a3.1-RV-x64.xd3 new.iso
For an existing 64-bit LiveUSB:
1) copy new initrd-2014-10-28a.gz to LiveUSB
cp initrd.gz /live/boot-dev/antiX/initrd.gz
2) unpack xtra tarball
tar -C /live/boot-dev/antiX -xzf xtra-2014-10-28a.tgz
3) copy the gfxboot init:
cp gfxboot-init /live/boot-dev/syslinux/init
o Persist-save should only run once
o Entering passwords and so forth on first persistent boot
should work much better
o A lot of little fixes
o No changes have been made to the desktop menu or to
desktop-session (alternative desktops) except the startup
has been bumped from 1 second to 2.
o The biggest change is that video drivers have been added
to the initrd so they should load much earlier in the
boot process
o Even without persistence, your current desktop selection is
saved on the liveUSB by running"/ etc/init.d/live-init stop" as
o If you use the new gfxboot-init then the default is to have
no vga= boot parameter. This is the only change even though
there are outstanding bugs. The change is meant to go along
with loading video drivers earlier.
o This comes with the newer version of .conkyrc
o Set the default width of the persistence and remaster-live
GUIs to 680.
o Added search-bar applications for doing internet searches from
the command line and via the X clipboard. See:
o splash-select will let you change the background theme in the
virtual consoles
o uxrvt-style makes it easy to customize the urxvt terminal
emulator. See --help for details.