Need help with AntiX 13

Posts: 69
Joined: 11 Dec 2012
I am back and wondering how to make an iso with the new automated process i have teamveiwer and can get on there if any one wants to help.Also i hope Bitjam and Dave can help make Gamers edition better if possible please get back to me thanks.
Posts: 1,308
Joined: 31 Aug 2009
Kidx, we are really busy now trying to get antiX-13 out the door this weekend. That decision/deadline was made after I started talking with you. I'm kind of tired out but there are a few more things I want to get into the release.

I can help you with the build tool in about a week.

The big question is whether or not the state of gaming on Linux will satisfy you or not. This is not something we are equipped to improve. I think
url was:""
linktext was:"the Wikipedia article"
is a great place to start. My understanding is that two main ways to play games on Linux is through Steam (which runs natively on Linux) and with Wine. There are probably other good Linux games mentioned in with Wikipedia article.

url was:""
linktext was:"Here"
is a recent article on AMD Radeon drivers for gaming on Linux. ISTM we should first see if we can get at least one system (yours) running Linux games to your satisfaction before we start working on making a distro.

In last few years there have been two different Linux gaming distros. SuperGamer was developed by
url was:""
linktext was:"Darin Van Coevering"
but is not readily available.
url was:""
linktext was:"Live.Linux-Gamers"
is still available but it is a few years old. If you want to make a new Linux gaming distro then you really need to learn from their experience. In particular, you want to know why neither of them is still going. They probably have a ton of other very valuable information.

I know very little about gaming but IIUC, the Linux gaming situation improved drastically when Steam was ported to Linux in February 2013.

Again, ISTM the top priority should be to assess the current situation of gaming on Linux and determine if that is satisfactory for you or not. After that, it would be very useful to find out what happened to the previous attempts at gaming distros. Maybe there are some other attempts already underway.

After this weekend (and, with luck, the antiX-13 release), I have some personal stuff to take care of early next week but I hope to have time for you next Thursday. Maybe this will give you enough to work-on/play-with until then.
Posts: 69
Joined: 11 Dec 2012
Well if your gona help me when you get this done ill come back i am installing this right now also i need help broadcasting to twitch so if any one can help i would be happy.Maybe i shouold wait till your done with Antix-13 after all i think its best when you can devote time i know gaming and gaming on linux ios fine for me as it was the last time.AntiX is running better than ever i am happy and thank you for every thing sorry to be a bit harsh just that every one who had beta tested the gamer edition i was working on loved it my buddy gamer loved it the only downfall is we need 32bit pae.I will contact you next week prolly on friday if your free i ahve alot of stuff to do with WBGS like setting up servers.