skidoo wrote:MX-15-b2_x64.iso
using the same scenario (root persistence, aka =root!,home)(...and forego creation of a separate homefs)
mx installer presents the same workflow as antix
screen #6 invites adjustment of startup services. After I do so, a non-numbered"Reminders" title is displayed + a"Do you want to reboot now?" modal popup.
Regardless whether response to the popup is yes, or no, the installer app autocloses immediately when I respond to the popup.
d_o are you diving right into the installer during initial live boot (skipping persistence setup)?
That would explain (to me) why, in your testing, the installer is inviting root account password setup and asking you to setup a"default user".
just tried with a 32 bit antix-15 full iso. used persistence, setup root password, setup some apps. ran the installer, and I was presented with the user account creation screen as per normal.
skidoo, what other steps have you taken? creation of a second user? I will test that. have you remastered? upgraded the installer (apt-get dist-upgrade?).