Lo-o-ng time no visit.
Sorry that I'm just asking here for help; still a nwb after all this time. (At least I consider that myself.)
After doing a routine update since the las 5 months, so as to see if the xorg intel driver is resolved (i.e. intel-do-flush i/o error & such), and after the next reboot (next day), I encountered myself with a surprise! Gtk(?) icons gone!
Attached files & some explaining (I'm SO slow capturing pictures with Screenshot )
This is the case: rox-desktop stopped showing icons. And that is not just for picture files -even folders, etc basically everything show the same question icon.
Where feh can see/open picture files like this very capture, mirage on the other hand returns me some Traceback.
Code: Select all
$ mirage /home/tan3/m12_a1.jpg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File"/usr/bin/mirage", line 30, in <module>
app = mirage.Base()
File"/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/mirage.py", line 319, in __init__
self.blank_image = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(self.find_path("mirage_blank.png"))
glib.GError: Couldn't recognise the image file format for file «/usr/share/mirage/mirage_blank.png»
$ feh /home/tan3/m12_a1.jpg
And this is audacious running, me playing blind with the playlist.
(4th attachment in next post)
I at least thought some type of broken configuration for rox-desktop was at issue, but the output of mirage and .xsession-errors tells me it's not related to rox. Something is broken. Any help to this is very apreciated.
Kind regards, thank you.