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I upgraded LullySec to Wheezy.

I took refracta, added what i thought made sense, and ran a refractasnapshot-gui.
I can only say that it boots here.
I will not be able to help troubleshooting (besides the very basics).
I don't plan to get my head into liveCDs much. It is just a quick and dirty remix. I only do this as tools to do it are available, not cause i have any clue how to do it.

The big iso comes with i2p, tor, privoxy, retroshare, streamtuner2, metasploit and more pentesting tools, apache/mysql/php and wordpress to test those, and lots of cli tools (like irssi, xmms2, etc) and all kind of other stuff. Environement is xfce, fluxbox and icewm.
The small iso mainly comes with i2p and tor.
For both cli usage is set to use tor. addons for iceweasel are addblock, flashblock, ghoster, https-everywhere, cookie-monster and tor-plugin (web-developer toolbar is included too. Shit knows why).
xchat is set up to connect to i2p chat.
If you take the big iso but don't plan to do any pentesting stuff, you might want to /etc/init.d/apache2 stop (and the same for mysql). If you don't want to use i2p (a RAM hog from Java land), run"i2prouter stop" (but if you do so there is no real need to download the iso at all __{{emoticon}}__ ).

The main idea was and is to have a liveCD with i2p and tor available. The rest is for the lulz. There are better distros for i2p and tor access (tails, whonix), and there are better distros for pentesting purposes (kali, hacklab, network security toolkit). As far i know there is none which offers both, though.

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