1. Install antiX to usb device using unetbootin or new_usb.sh(recommended)
2. You can set up persistence files before using the stick. Advantage is that persistence is ready from first boot. (see later)
Setting up persistence while running live usb stick.
1. Boot using the first option shown in boot menu.
2. Open RemasterCC app from Menu-> Applications->Others - give root password (for live this is root)
3. Click on Set up live file system.
4. You need to set up rootfs to save changes made to system ie adding/removing applications.
5. You need to set up homefs to save changes made to home user ie documents, themes, wallpaper.
6. To set up homefs (rootfs is exactly the same)
Using Set up live application :-
Directory - navigate to Other -> live-> boot-dev-> antiX
Size -Depends on what you want to store. If you intend to save a lot of large files in your home directrory, eg avi video files that you want to watch on successive boots, make homefs gib. make sure you have space on your stick.
Same applies for installing apps for rootfs.
This is what I suggest for a 4GB stick running antiX-base. YMMV.
homefs=200MB rootfs=500MB
Leave ext blank for now.
format. Choice between ext2 or ext3. ext2 is reommended.
Set up homefs , click ok and repeat for rootfs.
A popup should show messages of success (or failure).
The persistence files are now set up.
Reboot and choose correct persistence option in boot menu. home is only for home, whereas root is for both home and root.
On first live boot, you will be prompted to change root and user passwords (not user name -it is still demo) for extra security.
At desktop you will be asked to set up root persistence. There are 3 choices. semi-automatic is recommended.
Make the changes you want eg change wallpaper for homefs changes, install an app for rootfs.
Click exit/reboot from antiX menu and a popup will indicate tha persistence changes for are being saved. (homefs changes are automatically saved)
On next reboot (still using the same persistent option), there will be a slight delay when booting.
New desktop should have all your changes.
Adding a new kernel. At the moment only antiX kernels will work with persistence and a bit of fiddling is required.
Run antiX live with persistence (rootfs), install latest antiX-kernel and headers (if needed).
To be safe, run update-initramfs -u -t -k all
Copy the new vmlinuz-3.2.2-antix2 file from boot to /live/boot-dev/antiX and rename vmlinuz1
Edit menu.lst in /live/boot-dev/boot/grub to include: (note: vmlinuz1 entry)
Code: Select all
## ISO boot
title antiX-M11-base-686 (Root Persistence-new kernel)
kernel /antiX/vmlinuz1 quiet lean noxorg blab=antiXlive vga=791 bdir=antiX persist
initrd /antiX/initrd.gz
If all works ok, then you could remove the old kernel and headers and rename vmlinuz1 to vmlinuz and delete the new menu entry mentioned above. Make sure you recreate the sym links in boot to link to new vmlinuz and initrd.img.
Once you are satisfied that all is working as it should, you may want to remaster your changes. Basically this creates a new linuxfs file (in effect a sort of new iso) that you boot from. Then you can delete all the old rootfs/homefs files (if you do not need them).
An example.
I have antiX-base-test1 installed using new_usb.sh to a 2GB partition, ext2 format of a 4Gb stick. The other 2GB partition is formatted as fat32 for data.
rootfs is 400MB and homefs 200Mb.
I installed latest kernel as described above as well as abiword. On reboot all seem to work ok. Time to remaster.
Open RemasterCC app from Menu-> Applications->Others - give new root password.
Click on Remaster and follow the instructions. The reastering will take time depending on your CPU and RAM.
Once finished, click on Set up live file system and set up a new rootfs in /live/boot-dev/antiX but this time in the ext field add the word .new (you must include the dot).
Click ok and reboot into your new antiX!
You can remove the old rootfs and linuxfs in /live/boot-dev/antiX to save space.
Added: Can I have 2 partitions on my stick and run persistence?
You may decide that you do not want to use all of your usb stick to run antiX live persistence, for example you have an 8GB stick, want to use antiX-base plus add a few apps like abiword, gnumeric and you want to have a data partition for files that both linux and windoze will see (fat32 for example).
It is possible to do this, though it needs a bit of fiddling. This is what I did.
1. Install latest antiX-base-test1 (or full if you prefer) to your usb stick using new_usb.sh. This will take over all the disk.
2. Once finished, save a copy of the contents somewhere, just in case.
3. Use gparted to shrink your usb partition and set up the space to whatever you want eg fat32 and give it a label eg mydata
4. Once finished, remove and re-insert your usb stick and check that you do in fact have 2 'folders' one contaning your live antiX. ie all the stuff you saved in 2.
5. You should be able to boot your stick and set up persistence and use your data partition as well. Though I have no idea if windoze will see your data partition.