I installed K3B. I like it for it's all-in-one type functionality, however I have two issues with it now. When I open it I get this error:
How does one correct this. Also, K3B cannot find SOX. I tried to find it via the terminal/locate and also manually but I can't find it. I can call it in the terminal with $sox and it comes back as expected but I cannot find the path for K3B.System locale charset is ANSI_X3.4-1968
Your system's locale charset (i.e. the charset used to encode filenames) is set to ANSI_X3.4-1968. It is highly unlikely that this has been done intentionally. Most likely the locale is not set at all. An invalid setting will result in problems when creating data projects.
Solution: To properly set the locale charset make sure the LC_* environment variables are set. Normally the distribution setup tools take care of this.
Any suggestions.