topic title: In a blue-ish mood
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Hello. I'm working my way towards a complete theme - similar to something you'd see on freshmeat. I got the wallpaper, slim background, style, and xmms skin while browsing at
url was:""
linktext was:""
. Basically, I saw a style that I liked at first and clicked on the link. Under the screenshot was a color palette. I clicked on one of the colors and went from there. Since installing all these goodies, I've slightly edited the style (added menu bullets and changed the font size), changed the gtk2 theme, changed the icons, and got a matching theme for iceweasel. I've also edited my fluxbox menu based on the wolvix menu. Next I'll edit conky. Here is a screenshot that shows most of the changes. When I get conky edited, I'll post the rest of my mods (still might change the gtk2 theme and icon theme).


Hope you like (I think it's my best so far).

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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
That looks really great John. I really like it. The style is so consistent, unlike my default hash __{{emoticon}}__

I also notice conky showing a whopping 52.9MB RAM use. Try and do that with gnome, kde or even xfce. __{{emoticon}}__
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Thanks a lot. I appreciate the comments. I can't really take the credit - most of it goes to the freshmeat screenshots for the idea of taking theming to its limits and to for basically putting the theme together for me. The menu credits of course go to wolvix, the icon assist goes to pcmanfm, and finally the credit for installing gtk themes goes to my days with zenwalk.


P.S. If anyone wants my menu file, just let me know.
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
OK. Well, I've mostly edited conky (I'm using a modified impuwat config file), changed my gtk2 theme (the old one was too windows-ish in color), and changed the icon theme (wanted to try and match the circle in the wallpaper and add a little glassy eye candy). I also found a matching iceweasel theme. Here it is:


Hope you like.


@impuwat: I tried changing the cpu graph and network traffic graphs to blue but I couldn't quite get it right - I got the box blue, but I want the graph itself blue. Any ideas? Thanks.
Posts: 319
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
Nice job John! Good to see someone else jumping in to the guts of the eye candy and sharing their experience.

The way to change the actual graphing function color in conky....well here is a line from conky to illustrate:
Net: ${color c5b684}${font}${downspeed eth0} Kb/s ${color} ${downspeedgraph eth0 10,80 f7f3bd f7f3bd} ${color c5b684} ${totaldown eth0} down | ${color c5b684}${upspeed eth0} Kb/s ${color} ${upspeedgraph eth0 10,80 f7f3bd f7f3bd}
I've placed the colors in bold to show how to change the graphing function color. Color f7f3bd is a light yellow I used. I know conky can display a color range in the graphing as well. But that is one of those problems I beat my head against for awhile before getting a headache and stopping. __{{emoticon}}__

Some problems seem to clear up when you walk away and come back to them but I never made it back to that one. I did discover that placing the color code in twice would give any solid color I wanted to use so I was content with that. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work.
Posts: 319
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
Forgot to mention that I'm in the"blue mood" myself. Here is a screenshot of a new theme I'm working on. Have most of the style done just tweaking on odds and ends. In the grips of a dark cold Idaho winter...maybe explains the"blue mood" and attraction for liquid water!
