PS I did find something about gnome ppower management and it does mention HDDs but I couldnt find how to operate the tool.
Code: Select all
$ inxi -Fxz
System: Host: antix1-wyse Kernel: 4.0.5-antix.1-486-smp i686 (32 bit gcc: 4.9.2)
Desktop: IceWM 1.3.8
Distro: antiX-15-V_386-full Killah P 30 June 2015
Machine: System: WYSE product: V CLASS L v: Rev: 1.16
Mobo: N/A model: CN900-8237R
Bios: VIA v: Rev: 1.16 date: 02/15/2008
CPU: Single core VIA Eden (-UP-) cache: 128 KB
flags: (pae sse sse2 sse3) bmips: 1600 speed: 800 MHz (max)
Graphics: Card: VIA CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 Graphics [S3 UniChrome Pro]
bus-ID: 01:00.0
Display Server: X.Org 1.16.4 drivers: openchrome (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
Resolution: 1024x768@60.00hz
GLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.5, 128 bits)
GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2 Direct Rendering: Yes
Audio: Card VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller
driver: snd_via82xx port: e400 bus-ID: 00:11.5
Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.0.5-antix.1-486-smp
Network: Card: VIA VT6102 [Rhine-II]
driver: via-rhine port: fc00 bus-ID: 00:0b.0
IF: eth0 state: unknown speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
Drives: HDD Total Size: 40.0GB (11.5% used)
ID-1: /dev/sda model: ST9408114A size: 40.0GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 35G used: 2.4G (8%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1
ID-2: swap-1 size: 2.18GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda2
Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 63.0C mobo: N/A
Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A
Info: Processes: 90 Uptime: 1 min Memory: 81.7/466.5MB
Init: SysVinit runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 4.9.2
Client: Shell (bash 4.3.301) inxi: 2.2.25