Code: Select all
#radio shows
50 9 * * 7 /usr/bin/arecord -t wav -f cd -d 6680 /home/randy/Music/BS$(date"+\%^b\%d\%y").wav
50 10 * * 7 /usr/bin/arecord -t wav -f cd -d 6880 /home/randy/Music/IHTSB$(date"+\%^b\%d\%y").wav
50 11 * * 7 /usr/bin/arecord -t wav -f cd -d 8860 /home/randy/Music/IT$(date"+\%^b\%d\%y").wav
Now how do I go about using code that I can put in my crontab like the above example that will capture the streaming audio at preset times live above?
I'm using MX-14 as well as Antix 13.2.
If I can get this working, this means that not only can I record my shows from the attached radio but also from sreaming sits as well so that if one fails, or has problems, I have my other computers recording as well just in case.
Thanks again for all the help!!!!!