Posts: 73
Joined: 20 Jan 2014
how do you build antix?

do you have some kind of automatic build system , or do you do it by hand
one workstation/laptop, or multiple systems
are you alone, or its a collaborative effort

i admire your work, use it everywhere, share it and helping people using it
i think that antix has many great unique features

small efficient apps,gui
live/frugal capability wich boasts use cases not just beyond windows, but well beyond well established distros
debian based (good package dependency solving, lots of packages and repos, big community)
no-systemd (a big plus in my book)

could we make antix bigger as a community, developers, more polished, and eventually bigger user base ?
would a group or foundation something, help ?
to attract more devs, but at the same time, making sure it stays true to its initial goal

i dont mean polished as in kde/unity/ubuntu/redhat
but differences in 386/x64 , stuff working in 15 and not 16
it has glitches here and there, and this is what im talking about
while i was using loads of different apps on different hardware i only got freezes or apps closing only ~2 times/year
it may be my fault, maybe settings, maybe buggy apps

microsofts own word and windows (with a license) break more often than stuff on antix
once i had 200 tabs in iceweasel with 1.5gb of ram

i may not necessarely like how it looks but damn it i will use it cause its the most lightweight, complete, flexible option i have ever seen
Posts: 1,445
Joined: 09 Feb 2012
The devs maintain a git repo where you can view/dl the"build system":

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It's seldom talked about here in the forum, probably because the live-remaster and assorted tools are so good that they're perfectly suitable for creating a redistributable derivative.