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Joined: 12 Nov 2007
I liked it! It has chances to remain my working distro.

I liked it for its default desing and lightweightness, still extendability. Great job, Antix!

My first problems so far were:

1) some error messages about unavailability of some packages when I wanted to install what I need using synaptic. I never encountered anything like this when using the Ubuntu derivative Linux Mint. I am absolutely new to Mepis realm, so I don't know what the reason behind this problem might be and how to cure it.

2) I have noticed a huge delay during the booting process:
after Listening on LPF/eth0/###(MAC address) and
DHCPdipack from ###(some ip address)
it writes"bound to ###(other IP address) renewal in 1645 sec"
or other similar value in sec, and I really have to waite that long
(I think off line I had to waite 3 times as long).
I guess this problem is easy to fix by telling to the system to not to connect to the internet (I was on my university's LAN) during the boot up. How I could do it?

3) I also noticed a message during boot up in verbose mode like"not start ipw3945 regulatory daemon, driver not loaded". I think I dont need this drivaer for my wifi card (intel pw200). Should I disable the upoloading of this driver, and how I can do it?

4) I am slightly disappoited that the booting is not faster that on other distros. If I ignore the delay mentioned about it will still be 40+ secs as on most other distros I've tried.
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Welcome to antiX .ee.

1. Let us know what the app is, and we can probably resolve it.

2. This seems to be a problem for some people, but not others.
A solution is to use the cheatcode mean at grub menu. This disables dhcp. Once logged in, open a terminal and as root type dhclient (and maybe your card eg eth0

3. You can remove that via synaptic.

4. You can make antiX a bit leaner by disabling some services. There is a cheatcode lean than disables cupsd, lighttpd, rsync, powersaved and mpd. Also sysvconfig is installed too.
40 seconds seems about right though, but you will be ready to work then.
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Joined: 12 Nov 2007
Thanks for your replies!

How can I insert the cheat code if I boot from the grub of another OS which just starts Antix booting?
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
No problem.

Just add the line
to the grub entry for antiX.

ie the grub of OSX will have an entry for antiX and will include a line something like this:

title antiX
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-1-mepis-smp root=/dev/sdb1 nomce quiet vga=791

Add the mean to this part to read:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-1-mepis-smp root=/dev/sdb1 mean nomce quiet vga=791
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Joined: 12 Nov 2007
Thanks again!

Sorry, I made something wrong!

I have uninstalled the wifi driver I don't need and I installed those for ipw2200 for the latest kernel. I also run dhclient (without executing the cheatcode mean, though).
Now I cannot boot! I have two entries in grub:
1) newest kernel, 2) kernel 2.6.22-1-mepis-smp. I cannot boot with the first one I used as default. I get the message:

"pci: failed to allocate I/O resource #7: 1000@10000 for 0000:001e.0
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on uknown-block(0,0)"

Is there anything I can do but reinstall Antix now?

Is it possible to make the terminal in the default theme (which I like) to be not transparent but black or while? How I can the command xterm make work?
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Have you upgraded anything recently, especially the kernel?
Boot the livecd and navigate to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file on your installed antiX (via /mnt/sda for example)

Post the contents here.

You should have this line. If it is different then edit the file so the line reads as below.

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-1-mepis-smp

Save and reboot.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Oh forgot. Can you boot using the second option?
If you can then do as above without using the livecd.

xterm is not installed. Install it ans add this line to the fluxbox/menu file.

[exec] (xterm) {xterm}

To remove transparency, edit the fluxbox/menu file

[exec] (Terminal) {wterm -tr +sb -fg white -T"antiX"}

to read
[exec] (Terminal) {wterm -T"antiX"}
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Joined: 12 Nov 2007
Yes, I can boot using the second option. Sorry that I wasn't explicit enough. I was not explicitly changing the kernel or like. I will try to do what you suggest and report back. Thanks a lot!

I have installed the standard xterm with no problems.
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Joined: 12 Nov 2007
This is what I have in my grub/menu.lst. Should I just remove the first two entries which seem to be not bootable (though they were in the beginning)?

title MEPIS at sda7, newest kernel
root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda7 nomce quiet splash vga=791

title MEPIS at sda7, previous kernel (if any)
root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz.old root=/dev/sda7 nomce quiet splash vga=791

title MEPIS at sda7, kernel 2.6.22-1-mepis-smp
root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-1-mepis-smp root=/dev/sda7 mean nomce quiet splash vga$

Thanks for showing me how to edit the fluxbox menu file. Now I have changed it according to my preferences!

The boot time from grub to login is now 36 sec (without lean option)! I still have to make some home work and to optimize the startup services.

Opera on Antix is the best browser experience under linux ever - for its speed!
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Joined: 14 Sep 2007
Maybe there should be a Lysistrata - 'Read me first sticky' as the same problems keep appearing on the board.

oh, and once you have used mean to disable dhcp at startup, you can automate dhclient by adding...

Code: Select all

dhclient & 
to /etc/rc.local so it connects you to the net after login.
(well it works for me)
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Works for me too r3bol (though I don't have problems with dhcp3 on an installed antiX, just the livecd occasionally)

Good idea about the sticky.