topic title: Here I am!
Posts: 4
Joined: 21 Jun 2011
Hi all!
My name is Celsio (Marco in RL) a new antiX user from Italy.
I have a little experience of the linux world since I arrived in Ubuntu more or less three year ago... But I've never tried intensively other distro.
For different reasons actually I can't use my workstation and I had to switch my works on a WinZozz OS (italian word pun where Zozz stands for slob), so I discovered antiX searching for an easy distro to run on virtual machine. I tried to virtualize a lot of distro, and AntiX represents for my needing the exact compromise between easy to use, completeness, lightness and quickness. In the next days I'm going to try to install antiX on a USB stick, with the aim to reach a more performing solution.
I hope to find here a good place to share comments, helps, solutions, ideas and so on...

Anyway, have a nice day!
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Site Admin
Joined: 01 Oct 2007
Welcome to antiX, great distro, good forum, good people here.
antiX lean and mean!

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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Howdy and Welcome

Posts: 200
Joined: 15 Oct 2008
Ciao Marco

and welcome

I use antiX 8.5 in VirtualBox on my professional laptop configured with Windoxs XP Pro
antiX boots far more faster in VirtualBox than the host Windows OS.

Marco (and others ! __{{emoticon}}__ ) : I am in search of beta testers for a new antix2usb script
I had problems booting a live USB made as described in rokytnji's post antix-11-antix2usb-persistent-t3130.html
on some systems I got stucked with the message: grub loading stage 1.5

Please find attached a script

Code: Select all

root@antiX:/home/yves/Projects/AntixUsb# ./ -h
Usage: [options] iso-file device [cheatcodes]
Installs antiX iso-file on the USB device
        -h, --help                       show this output
        -v, --version                    show version information
        -d, --debug                      toggle debug mode
        -q, --quiet                      toggle quiet mode
        -f, --format=FORMAT              file system: ext2|ext3|fat32
        -s, --size=SIZE                  size of the first partition
                                         (defaults to full device)
        -b, --bootloader=grub|iso|ext    boot mode
        -p, --persistence=MODE           set persistence: root|home
        -l, --label=LABEL                label, default antiX
To install to USB key, use a command like:

Code: Select all

root@antiX:/home/yves/Projects/AntixUsb#./ -s 1024 -p root /home/yves/Downloads/antiX-M11-686.iso /dev/sdX lang=it
where /home/yves/Downloads/antiX-M11-686.iso is the path to the iso file
/dev/sdX => /dev/sda or /dev/sdb => your USB stick
-s 1024 => the size of the system partition
-p root => persistence rootfs => the changes in the root file system will persist on the USB key (using partition 2)
or -p home => persistence rootfs => the changes under the home directory will persist on the USB key
by default the file system (-f) will be ext2, and the boot laoder (-b) extlinux
lang=it => will set the default language at boot,"cheatcode" appended to the kernel options

I tested (not extensively !!!) this script from antiX M8.5 running in VBox.
Let me know if this worked for you. The logfile will be in /var/log/antix2usb.log
Posts: 4
Joined: 21 Jun 2011
Salut les gars! Hi guys!

I'm still working with my antix on virtual machine, without any problems till now ( I've only adjusted the appearances, and added some softwares via synaptic), and faster than the Vista OS.

Sorry for the silly question, but I'm little bit confused. Which are the differences between the way proposed in the previous messages, and the way proposed in the following tread?


I guess the first one is to install AntiX on a USB key, and the latter to install it on external USB HD... but I guess also the procedures were more or less the same...