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Posts: 667
Joined: 01 Nov 2013
This time of the year when the weather turns cold can be a sad time. Lots of older people die from carbon monoxide poisoning the same way. Heating up the room without enough ventalation. I have read stories of people dieing like this using BBQ pits inside the house, starting a fire in a bath tub, kerosene heaters inside a house, or leaving s stove burning to keep warm.

When I was driving trucks over-the-road, I slept with a sleeping bag, a blanket, and a plastic bag big enough for me to climb into. The sleeping bag was stuffed inside the plastic bag, and I covered that with my blanket. Even at -60 degrees F ( -51 degrees C), I stayed warm enough to sleep at night. My piss bottle was frozen, but I stayed warm.
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
The state’s response to Sara’s death was callous. Her mother was initially arrested for manslaughter due to negligence, but was later released on the condition that she left Greece within six months. The state’s contempt was also underscored by the fact that the Salonika municipality was only prepared to pay a paltry 400 euros for the young girl’s body to be transported to the town of Evzonoi, in northern Greece. The cost of the onward journey into Serbia was born by the Serbian Consulate.
Sad since it is the state,banks,capitalism, and auserity that murdered her.
A girl, Sara, aged 13, died December 1 from carbon monoxide poisoning from fumes emanating from a makeshift brazier being used to heat the apartment she shared with her Serbian mother in Xirokrini, a working class district of Salonika, Greece’s second-largest city. The state-controlled energy company DEI cut off the power supply to the apartment they were living in three months ago, because of unpaid bills.
Even in Texas that would not happen
Most of the laws put into place by states are intended to protect the elderly, families with children, disabled, and people with medical conditions. It is often illegal for a utility company to disconnect customers under certain conditions. For example, during the winter or summer disconnections are often limited as to when they can occur, as well as during extreme weather events and temperatures. Also, if a customer enters into a payment plan with their provider state laws usually regulate that a disconnection can’t occur.

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linktext was:" ... nnect.html"

Austerity and banks and capitalism can be a cruel master. I feel sorry for the girl and mother this Christmas.