impuwat wrote:Djinn: Thanks for the interest.
I have a P3 at about 1 Ghz, 192 MB of RAM, and a Geforce 5200 with 128 MB of RAM. Probably enough machine after reading some of the other comments.
I'm running xcompmgr on several machines here, a few of which have a much lower spec than that (Graphically at least) and they all work fine. So yep, i think it's a safe bet that it's something else that's the problem.
After loading xcompmgr I right clicked on the desktop to bring up a fluxbox menu. The menu looked super with nice shadowing....for about two seconds...then it disappeared. Further right clicking would bring up only scattered pieces of menu and no toolbar. I Ctrl-Alt-backspaced to console and removed xcompmgr to get back to a solid fluxbox. Didn't investigate much further.
Any ideas on what went wrong or what I can do?
I have one idea, although it may be a long shot (but it's worth trying i guess). The problem that you're having sounds very much like the problem i had recently. Fine for a second or two, and then the desktop just goes nuts and is completely unuseable. I finally nailed it to"conky" being loaded twice, and causing major problems. I didn't realise that conky gets started from the apps file in the .fluxbox folder, so added my own conky startup line to the fluxbox startup script..... thus conky was running twice.
I finally disabled conky completely (in both places) and then just used one startup line in the .xinitrc script (thanks to eriefisher for that one) and all has been great ever since.
So, check both files ( .fluxbox/apps and .fluxbox/startup ) and possibly even the .xinitrc as well, and if you have conky starting from more than one place, it could be the cause of your xcompmgr problems. Strangely enough, this odd behaviour didn't occur when i disabled xcompmgr but still had both conkys running.
If you do try it, let me know how it goes?