Thanks for the starting points. I successfully changed all the icons I wanted. Both of you are correct, there are icons in those folders. After searching those folders, I saw that the format was *.xmp.....then I used search monkey to look for all files with the same format, and I found any and all icons located all over the computer.
For those newbies that are not sure......
Start Menu----->Applications--->SearchMonkey
make sure to search files for".xmp"
and change to the root filesystem" /"
locate the file that has the same name as the application that you want (in the picture Iceape is the example)
Once you find the file, it shows the path to get to it...(/usr/share/pixmaps)
Navigate through the root File System--->usr--->share--->pixmaps
Once in the folder, locate the icon you are looking for (iceape.xpm)
If you have no shortcut on the desktop for the application, then just click n drag the icon to the desktop and drop it. Then right click the new shortcut and follow the next step
If you have a shortcut already on the desktop, then you have to right click the icon and navigate to"set icon" file 'name'---->set icon, or sym link 'name'---> set icon. Then just drag the icon you want into the"Set Icon" window and drop it
Once you drop the icon where it needs to be the"Set Icon" window will disapear and you will see you new picture representing the application you want