Continuing problems installing antix 7.5 or 8 in new puter

Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
I've been installing Antix 7.5 or 8 (test) in a new Dell Inspiron 1721 (much newer and faster than my old Inspiron 7500) laptop.

Both disks give me the same problem. After choosing Antix in the boot screen of the LiveCD, a message appears about unziping (or something like that) the linux kernel and then just hangs. 7.5 hangs for a LONG time (maybe 10 min), 8 for about (15 sec). The following message appears on the screen:

PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 5 of device 0000:00:12.0

Antix 8 then proceeds with the install and works ok. I've lost patience with Antix 7.5 and havent let it go through full boot.

I thought (and others also suggested) a bad CD burn but I tried 3 different burns. Then I tested the same disk on my old laptop and worked fine. However, I did notice that at the same point where my new laptop hangs, my old laptop is doing an APCI check which I do not see in my boot screen lines in my new laptop.

So, is this the problem? Can it be fixed? Can I disable ACPI during boot in my new laptop?


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You are right with acpi being the problem with antiX-M8-test1. I get the same when using the livecd, but not with an installed version. Go figure!

antiX-M7.5 though shouldn't have this problem. If it is acpi, then see what happens if you disable it. Try cheatcode acpi=off at grub menu