DJiNN wrote:Jerry wrote:I haven't tried it yet, but did you install curl first? Also not totally sure how the conkyrc entry needs to be written--what did you use?
Hi Jerry, thanks for the reply.
I hadn't installed curl, mainly because i didn't know it needed to be installed (Never even heard of it before now)
I have installed it now though (after i read your message) .... but still get the same results. It's probably something to do with curl needing setting up or WHY. I'll check it out later. If you do get it working yourself then i'd love to know how, if you get the time.
OK. I will explain as much as possible:
1. Edit the .conkyrc file in your $HOME directory (example: /home/dhomi/.conkyrc). Add in the end of the file my code (the first post on this thread)
2. Now you must stop conky (if it was started, otherwise just start it) and start it again (otherwise you wouldnt see the changes). I do it like this:
this will give you the PID (process ID) number. Then use the
of course change my 1234 with your PID. To start conky again do
. This will start conky in the background and leave your shell free for use.
3. Now all should work fine. Otherwise post your question here and I will reply with pleasure.
I also have some other scripts for weather, wich I would share with you all if you want me to.[/code]