topic title: Config scripts

Which style do you prefer?

radio-button (zenity)
No votes
icons (gtkdialog)
Total votes: 13
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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
@impuwat - Thanks for catching the typo

@jerry - I changed all of the labels to start with a verb

Well, I am trying to come up with a nice dialog to let users create a slim theme. Needed actions:
1. create a folder
2. choose a background
3. choose a panel
4. have a file slim.theme
5. edit slim.conf
(Items 2-4 go in the folder. Item 5 is to point slim to the new theme.)

Or you could just change the background. But then you would overwrite the original background image. Should the old background just get a name change or overwritten? Should we give a choice?

Also, should users be given the choice of just changing the background or creating a theme? Maybe with an advanced button or a drop down box?

Either way, gtkdialog is making things very difficult - I can't quite get my hands on the right commands or find examples for writing the scripts. Zenity seems a lot easier to use and I did find some examples. So I would like to use zenity, but that would create a little more bloat since gtkdialog and zenity would be needed (but this is how tinyme does it).

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I would go for just changing the background and the old one gets a rename like background.old. The one used in antiX is from a wallpaper anyway, so if users wish to revert back to the original, they would follow the same steps as if they were changing the background.

Creating a theme is vey advanced and best left to the user to work out how to do so and manually edit the files in /usr/share/slim/themes.

Write it using zenity and we'll see if someone can help out by doing it with nitrogen. (or even another script)
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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Here is the zenity script, and believe me, it took a lot of work to figure what I wanted and how I wanted to do it:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/sh

cd /home/$(whoami)/Wallpaper/

slim_background=`zenity --file-selection --title="Select a Backgound"`

cp -bv"$slim_background" /usr/share/slim/themes/antiX/background.jpg
Basically the first statement is used to point to the current user's wallpaper directory so that the file browser automatically opens the wallpaper folder. After the wall is chosen, it is copied to the antiX slim theme folder, while backing up any previous image. It's rather simplistic, but I think I can add a confirmation dialog box using zeniry. Or I can maybe have a dialog box popup to say it's copied. Let me know.


Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
I changed the slim background script a little bit to provide one last chance for the user to change their mind before commiting to the new background. A confirmation appears when the process is complete. I also added a feature to allow the user to enable the wicd tray icon at startup. I am also trying to use scalable icons, but they are way too big. After googling, I still can't figure out how it's done. So, I found a nice icon set. Tell us what you think.

