while that geany window is open, the controlCenter window becomes unresponsive.
unresponsive, as in:
If you drag that geany window (or use WinGrid keycombo to move/resize it), you will notice that the controlCenter window isn't even being repainted; a rectangular portion of (or all of) the controlCenter content is now blank. Also, clicking X on its titlebar to close it has no effect. Well... no effect until you close the geany window ~~ if you've tried to Xclose the cc window while the geany window was open, cc window immediately closes following closure of the geany window (like, the earlier titlebar X click had been recognized, but not immediately acted upon).
This can be fixed by adding a tail-end ampersand character into this"action" line (line65) within /usr/local/bin/antixcc.sh
Code: Select all
<action>$EDITOR $HOME/.jwm/preferences $HOME/.jwm/keys $HOME/.jwm/tray $HOME/.jwm/startup $HOME/.jwmrc $HOME/.jwm/menu</action>
Code: Select all
<action>gksu antixccslim.sh</action>