The current script that reads desktop files for icewm's menu (and fluxbox's too) is a bit weak. It only reads files from /usr/share/applications and doesn't work with files that have a more complex syntax than usual.
I found a much better script in Connochaet OS. Actually the script is originally from Red-Hat, I think. It's the one RH, Fedora, Open SUSE and Mandriva use.
It needs python-xdg as a dependency and for it to work it's necessary to symlink /etc/xdg/menus/ from /etc/xdg/menus/ (this latter file is created by lxmenu-data, which I believe antiX already has installed since it's a dependency of pcmanfm).
I've attached the script here and a tiny video I made while testing it in an antiX 8.2 live-cd (the one I had left).
Just to say, the command I used to generate the menu in antiX-8.2 was
Code: Select all
icewm-xdg-menu --terminal"roxterm -e %s" --default-entry-icon /usr/share/icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/alacarte.png --with-theme-paths --theme Buuf-Deuce --entire-menu > ~/.icewm/menu
If this script is used in antiX (recommended), then could create files in /usr/local/share/applications instead of /usr/share/applications.