bashlogo (from clocpl competition)

Posts: 148
Joined: 29 Jun 2017
note that this script was"borrowed" and renamed once, which only bothers me because it was done to annoy.

given that its in the public domain (written earlier this month!) no copyright was violated in the process. since im the actual author and im not even renaming it, here is a mini version of logo in < 100 ploc of bash. it would have more features, but i was just having some fun. (and yes, i know what it says in proginf because i put it there.)

Code: Select all

#### license: creative commons cc0 1.0 (public domain) 
proginf="bashlogo, jun 2017 mn"

x=40 ; y=10 ; pendown=1 ; pencolour=7 ; ud=0 ; lr=0 ; numeric=0

function ne() {
function xy() { 
    xy_x=${1} ; xy_y=${2}
    echo -ne"\\033[$xy_y;$xy_x""H"
function right() { # probably a better way to do this, but this one was a lot of fun
    right_buf="" ; right_c=0
    right_p=${1} ; right_x=${2}
    for right_b in $(echo"$right_p" | tr ' ' '_' | rev | fold -sw 1) 
    do right_buf="$right_buf$right_b" ; right_c="$(($right_c+1))" ; if [[ !"$right_c" -lt"$right_x" ]]
    then break ; fi ; done ; echo"$right_buf" | rev | tr '_' ' '
function colour() { 
    colour_f=${1} ; colour_b=${2}
    if [["$colour_f" =="" ]] ; then colour_f="0" ; fi ; if [["$colour_b" =="" ]] ; then colour_b="0" ; fi ; colour_n="0"
    if   [["$colour_f" -gt"7" ]] ; then colour_n="1" ; colour_f="$(($colour_f-8))" ; fi
    if   [["$colour_f" =="1" ]] ;  then colour_f="4" ## switch ansi colours for qb colours
    elif [["$colour_f" =="4" ]] ;  then colour_f="1" ; fi ## 1 = blue not red, 4 = red not blue, etc.
    if   [["$colour_f" =="3" ]] ;  then colour_f="6"
    elif [["$colour_f" =="6" ]] ;  then colour_f="3" ; fi
    if   [["$colour_b" -gt"7" ]] ; then colour_b="$(($colour_b-8))" ; fi
    if   [["$colour_b" =="1" ]] ;  then colour_b="4"
    elif [["$colour_b" =="4" ]] ;  then colour_b="1" ; fi
    if   [["$colour_b" =="3" ]] ;  then colour_b="6"
    elif [["$colour_b" =="6" ]] ;  then colour_b="3" ; fi
    echo -ne"\\033[$colour_n;$((30+$colour_f));$((40+$colour_b))m"
function lmv() {
    lmv_ud=${1} ; lmv_lr=${2} ; lmv_num=${3}
    if [[ !"$ud" =="0" || !"$lr" =="0" ]] ; then
    for lmv_r in $(seq 1 $lmv_num)
    do x=$(($x+$lr)) ; y=$(($y+$ud)) 
    if [["$pendown" =="1" ]]
    then xy"$x""$y" ; colour 0"$pencolour" ; echo -n"" ; colour 7 0 #echo"$lmv_ud""$lmv_lr""$lmv_num""$y""$x"

clear ; colour 11 0 ; echo $proginf ; colour 7 0 ; xy"$x""$y"

program="pu u7 l24 c7 pd r 46 d 19 l 46 u 19 pu home"
program="$program c2 pu l 20 u7 pd d8 r4 ur1 u2 lu1l4 pu"
program="$program c1 r9 pd r3 rd1 d2 rd1 lu1 ld1 l2 lu 1 u2 ur1 pu"
program="$program c3 r 8 pd r3 l2 ld 1 rd1 r 1 rd 1 ld 1 l2 pu"
program="$program c5 r 8 pd l1 u 7 d3 r4 rd1 d3 pu"
program="$program c4 l 16 d1 pd d6 pu"
program="$program c6 r 4 pd r3 pd ur 1 u1 lu 1 l2 ld1 d1 rd 1 pu"
program="$program c4 r 7 pd r3 pd ur 1 u1 lu 1 l2 ld1 d1 rd 1 r3 d2 ld 1 l2 pu     u2 l3 r2 ur 1"
program="$program c6 r 7 pd r3 pd ur 1 u1 lu 1 l2 ld1 d1 rd 1 pu"

for prs in $(echo"$program" | tr A-Z a-z | tr '\n' ' ' | tr ' ' '_' | fold -sw 1) 
do buf="$buf$prs" #; echo $buf | tr '_' ' ' ;  r7="$(right ${buf} 7)" ; r6="$(right ${buf} 6)" ; r5="$(right ${buf} 5)"
r4="$(right ${buf} 4)" ; r3="$(right ${buf} 3)" ; r2="$(right ${buf} 2)" ; r1="$(right ${buf} 1)"

if [["$r4" =="home" ]] ; then x=40 ; y=10 ; buf="" ; ne home ; fi
if [["$r2" =="pu" &&"$pendown" =="1" ]] ; then pendown=0 ; buf="" ; ne pu ; fi
if [["$r2" =="pd" &&"$pendown" =="0" ]] ; then pendown=1 ; buf="" ; ne pd ; fi

if [["$r2" =="c0" ]] ; then pencolour=0 ; colour 7 0 ; buf="" ; ne black ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c1" ]] ; then pencolour=1 ; colour 7 1 ; buf="" ; ne blue ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c2" ]] ; then pencolour=2 ; colour 7 2 ; buf="" ; ne green ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c3" ]] ; then pencolour=3 ; colour 7 3 ; buf="" ; ne cyan ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c4" ]] ; then pencolour=4 ; colour 7 4 ; buf="" ; ne red ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c5" ]] ; then pencolour=5 ; colour 7 5 ; buf="" ; ne magenta ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c6" ]] ; then pencolour=6 ; colour 7 6 ; buf="" ; ne brown ; fi
if [["$r2" =="c7" ]] ; then pencolour=7 ; colour 1 7 ; buf="" ; ne white  ; fi

if [["$buf" =="" ]] ; then b=""

if [["$r1" =="0" ||"$r1" =="1" ||"$r1" =="2" ||"$r1" =="3" ||"$r1" =="4" ||"$r1" =="5" ||"$r1" =="6" ||"$r1" =="7" ||"$r1" =="8" ||"$r1" =="9" ]]
    then if [["$numeric" =="0" ]] ; then num="$r1" ; numeric=1 ; else num="$num$r1" ; fi 
    else if [["$numeric" =="1" ]] ; then lmv"$ud""$lr""$num" ; numeric=0 ; ud=0 ; lr=0 ; fi 
if [["$r1" =="u" && !"$r2" =="pu" ]] ; then ud=-1 ; fi
if [["$r1" =="d" && !"$r2" =="pd" ]] ; then ud=1 ; fi
if [["$r1" =="l" ]] ; then lr=-1 ; fi
if [["$r1" =="r" ]] ; then lr=1 ; fi


done ; colour 7 0 ; echo