Hello, wanted to share my find. I tested KANOTIX Dragofire LXDE (vased on Wheezy) and was delighted that they achieved to backported newer LXDE stuff like panel version 0.7.2 vs. 0.5.10 in Wheezy. I added their repo on my antix 13.2 base and installed lxde-core. It is runnig fine for two days now. Kudos to Kano and his team.
I have not recently played with Kanotix or anything from Kano, but in the early days of the project when he had KDE builds that were a lighter alternative to the KDE builds from the Kubuntu project I used to use it.
Then when most of the Kanotix developers left for the sidux project, I enjoyed using sidux for a couple of years until the"political climate" became too volatile and the team dispersed, first into another project, aptosid, then a second separation of the team into siduction. All of these efforts, like Kanotix, were technically sound. The siduction effort seems (at least the last time I checked it out) to be a somewhat more civil place from which to obtain software, but still not anywhere near as"easy going" as the team and the organization that we have hear.
As for Kano, I don't know what he's been able to assemble in recent years, I just know that he has been involved in good stuff in the past. Glad to hear that the LXDE backport appears to work well, both in Kanotix and also retrofitted into antiX. Thanks for the information!
Well, masinick, I'm quite new to Linux, a year maybe, so I don't know much about recent history. I bought a piece of hardware for very little money, but I like it very much despite its limitations. The GPU driver limits me to distros based on Debian Wheezy or Ubuntu 12.04. The CPU limits me to low-end compositing and more static DEs. But I'm quite happy with that.
KANOTIX what I found out was more focused on KDE, indeed. But I discovered their LXDE spin and was especially delighted about the fact that I can use a newer LXDE on my machine. I was experimenting with installing LXDE packages from Jessie, but the result was 100MB of additional dependencies and a bad feeling that s.th. might break. That's why I'm so happy with my find. So, even if the ISO is a bit older I feel that my kudos are still appropriate.
I looked into Kanotix forum and found many thing I don't like. Things like"Why do you need this? Well, I guess such questions are typically German. ;D
PS: I found the ISO here
========= SCRAPER REMOVED AN EMBEDDED LINK HERE =========== url was:"http://kanotix.acritox.com/content/kanotix-linuxtag-2014" linktext was:"http://kanotix.acritox.com/content/kano ... uxtag-2014" ====================================
PPS: I didn't install it because I prefer antiX, which is more modular. I had a hard time removing packages from a test install, too many custom metapackages. Not a problem in general with antiX, except for gtk3 on which antiX Control Center is based.
PPPS: KANOTIX installer is great! Simple but very functional! The only one which offers to install on btrfs with compression. On others you need to apply a trick for that..