topic title: back to the first settings
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Posts: 26
- Joined: 09 Feb 2017
Hi folks, first: i like the new experience with"antix"! Now, after playing with it, i will back to the"first" settings on the desktop, with the buttons on left side down and time on the right, but can not find this- __{{emoticon}}__ Can anyone help me?
- Posts: 4,164 rokytnji
- Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Got a screenshot of what you are saying. Usually. Anytime I make any changes to text files anymore. I make a backup of the original before I start playing around.
Offsite image hosting site I use on the forum:
url was:""
linktext was:""
to post my screenshots.
Offsite image hosting site I use on the forum:
url was:""
linktext was:""
to post my screenshots.
Posts: 1,445
- Joined: 09 Feb 2012
Seems like the goal is to"Restore desktop defaults".
I'm not aware of any existing tool/script which handles that task, but I'll attempt creating one.
With attention toward building such a tool:
Would it be safe to copy into place the various config files from /etc/skel/* while the affected user account is logged into a session?
Are any of those files modified during logout?
The reset utility could present a set of checkboxes, or a sequence of questions:
-- [Y/n] restore default conky config ?
-- [Y/n] restore default session autostarts ?
-- [Y/n] restore default jwm settings ?
-- [Y/n] restore default icewm settings ?
-- [Y/n] restore default fluxbox settings ?
What additional granular questions might the tool include?
I'm not aware of any existing tool/script which handles that task, but I'll attempt creating one.
With attention toward building such a tool:
Would it be safe to copy into place the various config files from /etc/skel/* while the affected user account is logged into a session?
Are any of those files modified during logout?
The reset utility could present a set of checkboxes, or a sequence of questions:
-- [Y/n] restore default conky config ?
-- [Y/n] restore default session autostarts ?
-- [Y/n] restore default jwm settings ?
-- [Y/n] restore default icewm settings ?
-- [Y/n] restore default fluxbox settings ?
What additional granular questions might the tool include?
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- Site Admin
- Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Original settings can be found in /etc/skel (most are hidden files/folders).
- skidoo -
Some others might include
rox settings
gtk3 and gtk2 settings
desktop-defaults for file-manager, editor, eg in Preferred apps
restore repos?
- skidoo -
Some others might include
rox settings
gtk3 and gtk2 settings
desktop-defaults for file-manager, editor, eg in Preferred apps
restore repos?
Posts: 26
- Joined: 09 Feb 2017
I see, there are some ways and ideas to reset and i will copy and test this. Meanwhile, i had solut the proplem with a new booting af"antix" from the cd. Thanks a lot to you, roky, skidoo and antkapitalista!
Posts: 1,445
- Joined: 09 Feb 2012
The WIP is a single python+pygtk script.
Might need to (find and) bundle a"definitive" set of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* files
Please review the etc/skel items I've identified, and let me know what is missing (or is incorrect) in this tentative list.

Might need to (find and) bundle a"definitive" set of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* files
Please review the etc/skel items I've identified, and let me know what is missing (or is incorrect) in this tentative list.
Code: Select all
??? /etc/skel/.desktop-session/wallpaper.conf (no, b/c the default wallpaper imagefile may not currently exist)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
GTK2 theme ----------------------------- ???
Code: Select all
GTK3 theme
Code: Select all
JWM ------------- (errorcheck) possibility that the default THEME has been deleted
Code: Select all
IceWM -------------- themes NOT stored in etc subfolder
Code: Select all
/etc/skel/.fluxbox/* -------------- themes NOT stored in etc subfolder
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/etc/skel/.config/spacefm/* ------------ dir contains only one file, named `session`
Code: Select all
? ? ?
Code: Select all
preferred handlers/openers
??? cp /usr/share/applications/antix/file-manager.desktop $XDG_DESKTOP_DIR
??? cp /usr/share/applications/antix/antiX-docs.desktop $XDG_DESKTOP_DIR

Posts: 1,062
- Joined: 20 Jan 2010
I might have added something like this to the user manager in the cc... but I only have a faint memory of this. It might be worth a peak for the new utility ; I do not know.
Also rather than hard coding the checkbox options it might be worth parsing through an 'ls' or 'find' of the home directory or skel directory. Having a single build and remove block and use a for loop to run through the directory listing to build the checkbox (should be in a scrolled window) and then another for loop to run through the checkbox list for removing and replacing.
Also rather than hard coding the checkbox options it might be worth parsing through an 'ls' or 'find' of the home directory or skel directory. Having a single build and remove block and use a for loop to run through the directory listing to build the checkbox (should be in a scrolled window) and then another for loop to run through the checkbox list for removing and replacing.
Posts: 1,445
- Joined: 09 Feb 2012
> I might have added something like this to the user manager in the cc... but I only have a faint memory of this.
> It might be worth a peak for the new utility
url was:""
linktext was:""
antixcc }} Desktop }} Preferred Applications
So, the new utility should probably omit the 'default preferred handlers entry'.
Maybe anticapitalista had something else in mind? (wrote"desktop-defaults for file-manager, editor, eg in Preferred apps")
There's some sticking point which has bred recurring help requests; offhand, I can't recall exactly what detail.
(? It's necessary to also use galternatives because 'preferred' as specified via /usr/local/bin/desktop-defaults-set is recognized/respected by rox, but not by 'xdg-open'?)
> should be in a scrolled window
As seen in the screenshot, the utility employs a ScrolledWindow. FWIW, it's an immediate child of the window's implicit VBox.
I'm unsure what you're recommending should be done differently.
> rather than hard coding the checkbox options it might be worth parsing through an 'ls' or 'find' of the home directory or skel directory.
> Having a single build and remove block and use a for loop to run through the directory listing to build the checkbox (should be in a scrolled window)
> and then another for loop to run through the checkbox list for removing and replacing.
Whoosh... I'm missing the point, or something.
It's a static set of granular tasks. Static sets of files need to be copied.
Down the road, extending the list of available tasks will involve a simple (30sec) code edit.
Parsing 'ls' output to determine"whatever else" may, or may not, be present... seems moot.
> It might be worth a peak for the new utility
url was:""
linktext was:""
antixcc }} Desktop }} Preferred Applications
So, the new utility should probably omit the 'default preferred handlers entry'.
Maybe anticapitalista had something else in mind? (wrote"desktop-defaults for file-manager, editor, eg in Preferred apps")
There's some sticking point which has bred recurring help requests; offhand, I can't recall exactly what detail.
(? It's necessary to also use galternatives because 'preferred' as specified via /usr/local/bin/desktop-defaults-set is recognized/respected by rox, but not by 'xdg-open'?)
> should be in a scrolled window
As seen in the screenshot, the utility employs a ScrolledWindow. FWIW, it's an immediate child of the window's implicit VBox.
I'm unsure what you're recommending should be done differently.
> rather than hard coding the checkbox options it might be worth parsing through an 'ls' or 'find' of the home directory or skel directory.
> Having a single build and remove block and use a for loop to run through the directory listing to build the checkbox (should be in a scrolled window)
> and then another for loop to run through the checkbox list for removing and replacing.
Whoosh... I'm missing the point, or something.
It's a static set of granular tasks. Static sets of files need to be copied.
Down the road, extending the list of available tasks will involve a simple (30sec) code edit.
Parsing 'ls' output to determine"whatever else" may, or may not, be present... seems moot.
Posts: 1,062
- Joined: 20 Jan 2010
Not desktop-defaults but actually in user-management in the cc, I think it was the repair section.
url was:""
linktext was:""
Thanks for the reminder though, I have to yet add the ability to desktop-defaults to work with xdg-open / galternatives / see if there is a more standard way of setting defaults. At the time IIRC there was a wash of different ways so I made the utility to use itself / set the mimeapp.list which I think has a new location now and / or method of working with it. So it does need an update.
The second half can be ignored. I was just throwing out ideas of how I was going to look into repair / reset settings in the past via utility. Obviously wear-ever you would like to take your app is up to you. My notes show to do an ls / find of ~/ and for each line outputed by ls / find build a check button and label in the gui.
The user would then check what they wanted to repair / reset and press"apply" making a"user selected" list from the original find/ls based on selections.
The utility would then do an ls of /etc/skel, do a diff against the"user selected" list, make a backup of the current configs that are queued for reset/repair in ~/conf-backup folder, copy what matches the"user selected" from /etc/skel and remove what is"user selected" but not in /etc/skel for regeneration by the program itself. The scrolled window mention was to accommodate for the large size of the list that would be generated by parsing the output of find/ls.
url was:""
linktext was:""
Thanks for the reminder though, I have to yet add the ability to desktop-defaults to work with xdg-open / galternatives / see if there is a more standard way of setting defaults. At the time IIRC there was a wash of different ways so I made the utility to use itself / set the mimeapp.list which I think has a new location now and / or method of working with it. So it does need an update.
The second half can be ignored. I was just throwing out ideas of how I was going to look into repair / reset settings in the past via utility. Obviously wear-ever you would like to take your app is up to you. My notes show to do an ls / find of ~/ and for each line outputed by ls / find build a check button and label in the gui.
The user would then check what they wanted to repair / reset and press"apply" making a"user selected" list from the original find/ls based on selections.
The utility would then do an ls of /etc/skel, do a diff against the"user selected" list, make a backup of the current configs that are queued for reset/repair in ~/conf-backup folder, copy what matches the"user selected" from /etc/skel and remove what is"user selected" but not in /etc/skel for regeneration by the program itself. The scrolled window mention was to accommodate for the large size of the list that would be generated by parsing the output of find/ls.
Posts: 1,445
skidoo - Joined: 09 Feb 2012
In response to anticapitalista's suggestion to provide a means of setting/resetting repositories via a gui, I have modded
so that it can serve as a"choose repositories" utility (which would, presumably, be launched via controlCentre)
"" is tested/working, but I'm posting to ask whether deb-multimedia repo should be enabled.
I suspect that deb-multimedia should _not_ remain permanently enabled; as is, the utility currently unsets (comments) any deb-multimedia lines.
Modify it however you wish.

so that it can serve as a"choose repositories" utility (which would, presumably, be launched via controlCentre)
"" is tested/working, but I'm posting to ask whether deb-multimedia repo should be enabled.
I suspect that deb-multimedia should _not_ remain permanently enabled; as is, the utility currently unsets (comments) any deb-multimedia lines.
Yes, as is, I expect the GUI will be regarded as too verbose.
url was:"antix.freeforu"
linktext was:"antix.freeforu ... 58&p=47842"
dolphin_oracle stated
is a problem when deb-multimedia is left enabled. deb-multi uses its own ffmpeg, among other things
Modify it however you wish.

Code: Select all
#! /bin/bash
# File Name:
# Purpose: sets/selects Debian repository (and antiX)
# Author: anticapitalista for antiX, modified by skidoo
# Latest Change: 11 March 2017
export title="repository selection utility"
info_text=$"This utility enables you to set the Debian + antiX
repositories used for your system, by automatically editing
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
based on your selection in the following (next) dialog window.
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list OR /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
You can choose between:
Stable (aka 'Jessie')
Unstable (aka 'Sid')
This release of antiX defaults to Jessie/Stable and antiX/Stable.
~~~ Testing and Unstable are available for use by EXPERT users ~~~
Changing away from stable should be considered a 'one-way ticket'.
If testing or unstable is currently used (or has been previously),
changing back to stable does not magically rollback/downgrade
any packages already installed on your system."
function edit_sources
# pre-parse, remove any leading spaces, tab chars, MULTIPLE poundsign chars
sed -i -r"/deb/ s/^[ \t]+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/deb/ s/^[ \t]+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/deb/ s/^[#]+/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
if ["$jessie" = true ]; then
sed -i -r"/jessie/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/testing/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/sid/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/unstable/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/deb-src/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/jessie/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/testing/ s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/sid/ s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
if ["$testing" = true ]; then
sed -i -r"/jessie/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/testing/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/sid/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/unstable/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/deb-src/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/jessie/ s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/testing/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/sid/ s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
if ["$sid" = true ]; then
sed -i -r"/jessie/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/testing/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/sid/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/unstable/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/deb-src/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
sed -i -r"/jessie/ s/^/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/testing/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
sed -i -r"/sid/ s/^#+//" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
# ======= NEED CONFIRMATION: SHOULD _ALSO_ ENABLE antix testing when sid/unstable is selected?
# cleanup
sed -i -r"/deb/ s/^[#]+/#/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list
# outcomment any lines mentioning *multimedia repos
# because problems arise, regarding ffmpeg et al, if these remain enabled continually/indefinintely
sed -i -r"/multimedia\.org/ s/^([^#])/#\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list
function success
yad --image"info" --center --title"$title" --width 540 --button="OK":1 \
--text=$"Debian and antiX repositories have been set to $x
You should now followup by performing an 'apt-get update' operation"
######################## CANCEL BUTTON HERE IS MISLEADING ---^
# main
yad --title"$title" --width 640 --image"question" --center --text="$info_text"
if [ $rsp != 0 ]; then
exit 0
# selection dialog (itza RADIO input. returns only ONE item)
ans=$(yad --center --title"$title" --width 400 --height 200 \
--list --separator=":" --text $" If you click Cancel, no change will be performed." \
--radiolist --column $"Choose" --column $"Repository"\
TRUE"Jessie" FALSE"Testing" FALSE"Sid")
#echo $ans
# transform the list separated by ':' into arr
arr=$(echo $ans | tr":""\n")
for x in $arr
#echo"> [$x]"
case $x in
# How could this occur?
if [ -z $selected ]; then
echo $"No item selected"
exit 0
Posts: 1,445
- Joined: 09 Feb 2012
proofreading / afterthoughts:
Wondering whether Testing should be labeled Testing (aka 'Stretch') for sake of consistency.
IMO, it's important to define (in this case 'OK') a button for the final dialog
in order to suppress yad's default inclusion of a (confusing and useless) 'Cancel' button.
Script could be extended to ask whether user has a net connection, offering to automatically perform apt update
(I didn't want to fuss with creating a yad progress dialog)
Wondering whether Testing should be labeled Testing (aka 'Stretch') for sake of consistency.
IMO, it's important to define (in this case 'OK') a button for the final dialog
in order to suppress yad's default inclusion of a (confusing and useless) 'Cancel' button.
Script could be extended to ask whether user has a net connection, offering to automatically perform apt update
(I didn't want to fuss with creating a yad progress dialog)
Posts: 1,445
- Joined: 09 Feb 2012
related reading, here's a current (18days ago) reddit topic
"Does Linux have refresh or reset?" (88 replies)
"Does Linux have refresh or reset?" (88 replies)