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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Here is the second test release of antiX-M8.

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Hopefully bugs from test1 have been fixed and also usb mouse works from livecd.

The main feature of this test release is the inclusion of the sidux meta-package installer. (System->Tools->Meta-Installer)
This enables uses to install a variety of 'groups' of apps without having to search throgh synaptic.
All the original sidux packages are included and I added a few antiX specific ones.
Video (for w32codecs and libdvdcss2)

Please test out his feature and post comments here or any suggestions for meta-packages.

Second main feature is that antiX-M8 will default to icewm. This is in recognition of the excellent work done by OU812 and impuwatt on icewm, themes etc. Have a look at the different antiX themes in icewm. IMO they are superb.

Thirdly, all apps have been upgraded and antiX-M8-test2 uses the 2.6.27-5 MEPIS kernel. I have included the firmware that the latest Mepis beta 5 includes. Hopefully there should be less problems with devices and network cards.

Fourthly, antiX quick boot scripts improved for faster boot. Use the fast boot option.

Fifthly, use of inxi script.

Finally, a new /boot/grub/menu background.

Please post comments, bugs here.

Edit: xdelta patch (test1-test2) available from same site (c87MB).
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" onclick=";return false
Posts: 180
Joined: 04 Dec 2007
The new look is great. Love the color, but thats as far as the old Dell lets me get!!! __{{emoticon}}__ Oh man, I am at a quandary, do I throw this damn thing away or what!! __{{emoticon}}__ Do you have a version with the 2.6.24 kernel? Thats the only one that boots it!!
Posts: 253
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What comes with the kde_lite meta-package install?
Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
with the kde-lite metapackage, I see:


Posts: 253
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
Thanks, Pedro!
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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
The help button in the icewm menu - the one farther down the list - tries to open an html file that's not on the iso. It will be removed in the next release since it doesn't work and we've already got it covered with our own help button.

Posts: 609
Joined: 02 Jun 2008
i have a little suggestion:
to add to"edit config files" the slim.theme from /usr/share/slim/themes/antiX
i edit the panel location all the time based on the wallpaper i do not leave it at middle all the time. also i edit the color and other stuff. we can change the slim background but it will be nice if we can change the slim.theme conf too. thanks
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Just went to do an upgrade on one of my test instances that is at Test 2, and ran into that tg3 issue which conflicts with the kernel. Quickly ran apt-get purge tg3, then apt-get upgrade (or dist-upgrade, forget which) and it worked beautifully.
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Have dl the latest, antiXrc2, don't see any showstoppers, but do have a question about the antiX control center, specifically two areas, one is the manage firewall under network, I have tried to use this, then running iptables -L, afterwords, and it is not really doing anything, I always revert to doing it manually, ie;

as root:
#nano /etc/default/firehol
change>"START_FIREHOL=NO" to>"START_FIREHOL=YES" (omit parentheses)
add > FIREHOL_LOG_MODE="ULOG" (type as is)
save & exit
ctrl +o then ctrl+x

nano /etc/firehol/firehol.conf
(for my laptop I change)

"interface any internet" to"interface any eth0" (omit parentheses)
add>"protection strong" (omit parentheses)

save & exit

then run on cli as root

firehol wizard
after it has run then:

/etc/init.d/firehol start

then as root
iptables -L

will show that the firewall is up and running with iptables configured.

The other issue is initially connecting via wireless, if I try to connect with wicd, or ceni I get no connection, either without or with encryption, not only do I not get connected, but If I then run manage network interfaces, I cannot connect.

If I reboot and then go to :

Control Center > Network >manage network interfaces

then configure it going to the wireless tab>put in my essid (at home) click on wpa> passphrase >apply>ok or any (on the road)>apply>ok
then go to the interfaces tab >click on start/restart on Apply> then >apply>ok

I am able to connect immediately
Of course on the livecd I would have to do all of the above each time to connect, however on a hd install, once I have set up my wireless first with >manage network interfaces, then wicd and ceni will work both at home and on the road. Not really a big deal but does make me curious if I am the only one with these particular issues?
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Joined: 13 Sep 2007
oldhoghead wrote:The other issue is initially connecting via wireless, if I try to connect with wicd, or ceni I get no connection, either without or with encryption, not only do I not get connected, but If I then run manage network interfaces, I cannot connect.

If I reboot and then go to :

Control Center > Network >manage network interfaces

then configure it going to the wireless tab>put in my essid (at home) click on wpa> passphrase >apply>ok or any (on the road)>apply>ok
then go to the interfaces tab >click on start/restart on Apply> then >apply>ok

I am able to connect immediately
Of course on the livecd I would have to do all of the above each time to connect, however on a hd install, once I have set up my wireless first with >manage network interfaces, then wicd and ceni will work both at home and on the road. Not really a big deal but does make me curious if I am the only one with these particular issues?
This may explain why I wasn't able to connect at a coffee shop with antiX M8 public test1 last week. I was given a keyword, and it didn't work using wicd (I was giving it another try), and then when I tried ceni and rutilt, it didn't connect either. I thought I just didn't understand where the keyword was supposed to go, since I usually connect to"open" networks when I'm out. Anyway what you are saying is that once I tried to connect, and it didn't work, I may have needed a reboot between connection trials.