I installed, not one, but TWO new releases of software on my newest test laptop, the Lenovo 3000 Y410. I have sidux, which gets regularly updated, I have antiX M7.5, just installed from the new ISO image this afternoon, I have a great new Beta 2 release of Mandriva 2009 Beta 2 that I just installed, and I have an almost new Alpha 3 release of Kubuntu 8.10 - need to get Alpha 4 installed, then everything is nirvana here! Not only that, but I even have a Windows Vista installation on this box when weird moods strike me!anticapitalista wrote:antiX-M7.5.iso is ok now.
The bugs found by ICE-M were squashed and I oploaded a 'fixed' iso.
masinick, you should notice the new antiX Control Centre and if you login/toggle to icewm a completely different set up.
If it isn't noticeably different, download antiX-upgrader.sh again and try again.
I just hopped into Kubuntu to test out my boot manager entries. I am trying to install GRUB on the root of every partition and use the relatively recent"configfile" menu command in GRUB instead of the common chainloader to minimize my changes. This has been working out really well for me.
Hurray for M7.5, it looks REALLY good!