topic title: Antix Forest
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Hello. This theme was put together using mostly components from the iso. The theme is Nightshades and uses the wall Dreamforrest. Another iso component that I'm using is the zenburn-murrine gtk2 theme. The xmms theme is k10 amp and I think I found it at The icon set is tango-style. Since it really is just a recoloring of the Tango icon set, you'll need to install that from the repo. Hope you like it.

Posts: 253
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
It looks great, john!
Posts: 319
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
Nice John! Icons look like the same as your thinblack mod. I never saw where you posted that one. Could you email thinblack to me? Thanks!