My Antix 13.2 doesn't boot with 4.0 or newer kernels. I'm tracking Debian testing. I get a lot of errors (starting with cpu clock governor) , and a message about initramfs not loaded, + i guess a busybox terminal prompt.
It boots with 3.18 or 3.19 kernels, but randomly crashes.
- screen freezes
- no reaction on numlock, caps lock, scroll lock on/off, ctrl+alt+del
- no reaction on mouse events
- no errors listed on tty1 after hardware reset
It is stable with 3.17, or older kernels.
Problem is, that I tried to solve this issue with a dist-update + dist-upgrade, and now I can't install Virtualbox 4.x. But virtualbox 5.x runs only on 3.18 or newer kernel, gcc 5.0 support for virtualbox kernel driver is missing from 3.17.
I would like to get a stable system with virtualbox running. Any advice?
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$ inxi
CPU~Quad core AMD A10-7850K Radeon R7 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G (-MCP-) speed/max~1700/3700 MHz Kernel~3.17.0-antix.1-amd64-smp x86_64 Up~11:12 Mem~1178.7/6842.2MB HDD~2120.4GB(22.3% used) Procs~172 Client~Shell inxi~2.2.16