Code: Select all
INIT:no more processes left in this run level
fyi:my"inxi -bxx" reports as:
Please relocate this if appropriate...I didn't see a catagory for M12 to put it in. Sorry if it is a breach in ettiquette.$ inxi -bxx
System: Host: (none) Kernel: 3.2.0-2-686-pae i686 (32 bit, gcc: 4.6.3)
Desktop: IceWM 1.3.7 Distro: antiX-full 04 March 2012
Machine: Mobo: Intel model: D2700MUD version: AAG32419-504
Bios: Intel version: MUCDT10N.86A.0067.2011.1227.1232 date: 12/27/2011
CPU: Dual core Intel Atom CPU D2700 (-HT-MCP-) clocked at 2128.242 MHz
Graphics: Card: Intel Atom Processor D2xxx/N2xxx Integrated Graphics Controller bus-ID: 00:02.0
X.Org: 1.11.4 drivers: vesa (unloaded: fbdev,intel) Resolution: 1280x1024@0.0hz
GLX Renderer: N/A GLX Version: N/A Direct Rendering: N/A
Network: Card: Intel 82574L Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e ver: 1.5.1-k port: 1000 bus-ID: 01:00.0
Drives: HDD Total Size: 13.6GB (-)
Info: Processes: 90 Uptime: 1:17 Memory: 190.5/2014.8MB Runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 4.6.3 alt: 4.4 Client: Shell inxi: 1.7.36
Moved Post to New users. I don't know how to move to subforum viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3674
Sorry If I made a mess of things. Rok
This is now over at new-users-f16.html