topic title: "antics" fun
Posts: 319
Joined: 13 Sep 2007
I've read this before but when I read it recently regarding the new test release I couldn't help myself.
Anti is a Brit living and working for the last 19 years as a teacher in Thessaloniki the second largest city in Greece. AntiX is remastered from MEPIS to give something back to the community and to work on boxes with 128MB RAM (It does work with 64MB RAM + 128MB swap). The name alludes to the ideas that it is supposed to be like antics (fun) and it is for antiques (ie older boxes). Plus anti is the nickname of the creator and maintainer of AntiX.
I had to modify my slim login panel and background and use it for inspiration to start learning about modifying e17 themes. Here are a couple of screenshots. I have my little antics jester popping up throughout my theme right now. __{{emoticon}}__

Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Nice Impuwat __{{emoticon}}__