topic title: Almost Gnome
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007

I installed antiX base 8.5 and have been customizing it ever since. It features icewm and fluxbox, but icewm is the default wm. I have also included some of the antiX tools, but I have streamlined them for this desktop. I am also in the process of porting some of the excellent mintFluxbox tools to round things out. The application set is similar to the full iso, but is not quite as comprehensive. I've also traded in some of the lighter apps for some slightly heavier choices like medit, gthumb, aqualung, and gnome-mixer. I also don't have as many cli apps.

Another difference is that I use rox as my default setup. I really like the way it handles the desktop. I also like the way it handles wallpaper and icons. I'm not usually a fan of desktop icons, but I do like having the media and mnt folders on the desktop so I have easy access to my media. ROX does a decent job of seeing, mounting, and unmounting my partitions and removable media; however, once I unmount the removable media ROX doesn't"see" it anymore. I get around this drawback by running mountpy if I need to mount the device again.

I'm still tweaking just about everything: control center, screenshot, menus, conky, etc. I'm having fun. The desktop look is set and this is what I have so far (for conky, I'm only trying to make it a bit smaller):


Hope you like it.

Posts: 2,238
Joined: 16 Dec 2007
very nice. I've always been a sucker for a blue/gray theme.
Posts: 609
Joined: 02 Jun 2008

30 May 2010, 22:45 #3

looking good, john.
Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
Looking good John. Can you post a list of apps. Maybe we/I can suggest some alternatives.
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Thanks for the kind words.

Instead of listing every app I've installed, here are what I think are the significant differences:

medit, xarchiver

Simple Scan, gthumb

aqualung, gnome-alsa-mixer

Startup Manager (for editing grub), gtk-chtheme (don't need all the lxappearance options when using rox), gufw (firewall)

Antix tools:
modified control center (simplified and based on pclinuxos lxde), simplied screenshot, modified fluxbox and icewm menu programs, conky background setter (using feh)

slim-theme chooser
(coming soon from mint)
mouse config, keyboard layout, date/time setter

I want to try and create a mouse cursor chooser based on some of the mint tools.

Problems I've had so far:
1. Can't decide on lxrandr or grandr
2. Can't decide on epdview or evince
3. For printer app, went with xpp. It's having trouble connecting to cups. I didn't see it listed as a running, so I may just need to start cups manually first.


Posts: 1,228
Joined: 15 Jun 2008
Xarchiver comes with antiX (full). I replace it for file-roller which is more intelligent, at least out-of-the-box. It recognizes more formats and allows for editing the compressed file. Maybe that's possible with Xarchiver too but it would need to be configured (I didn't try).
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
To get the most out of zipping tools in my base install. I installed p7zip-full and mtools also in case you are interested. It is in the repos using apt-get.

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These don't take up a lot of space and are handy to have around.
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Thanks. I haven't had any problems in antix using xarchiver. I listed it because I thought that xarchive was on the iso - or at least it was in the past. I think the interface is different and xarchive has more archives that it can handle. For some reason, xarchive doesn't seem to be available right now.
