Posts: 3
Joined: 25 Feb 2009
Hi all.
I'm trying to dock my icedove application with alltray. It work's perfectly, however assigning shortcut doesn't work at all. I use this command:
$ alltray -k 78 icedove
which should assign Scroll Lock key to show/hide icedove.
I use fluxbox as WM. This command works right on Ubuntu/Fluxbox system, but not in Antix. Anyone, please, help me to solve this problem.

p/s/ in Antix/KDE alltray also work well
Posts: 516
Site Admin
Joined: 01 Oct 2007

Not familiar with alltray, but have you checked the keymap to compare between ubuntu/fluxbox and antiX to see if there are differences?

in the cli as user : one at a time! (that is a pipe symbol between -pk and pager)


xmodmap -pm

xmodmap -pk | pager

Posts: 3
Joined: 25 Feb 2009
Thanx for reply. However it seems to me that it's not this issue. xev output for Scroll lock is"keycode 78 (keysym 0xff14, Scroll_Lock)" for both antix and ubuntu. I can easily use hotkeys for antix - I mean fluxbox hotkeys, which is in ~/.fluxbox/keys. I guess it's not a keyboard problem.

such easy hotkey for alltray as:"alltray -k a xterm" also doesn't work on antix but works on ubuntu